Parents of children with disabilities start protests

Parents of children with disabilities in Bulgaria’s coastal cities of Varna and Bourgas on 11th of June launched protests against the state's social policy...

15:12, 11.06.2018
Parents of children with disabilities start protests

Parents of children with disabilities in Bulgaria’s coastal cities of Varna and Bourgas on 11th of June launched protests against the state's social policy. They say the protest will continue indefrinitely until their demands were met.

Bourgas: The camps are in support of the protest in Sofia. The idea of the organizers is more people to express their support for the movement under the motto "The system kills us.“ that has gained huge popularity. Protesters insist on creating a system for disability assessment and integration of those children in public schools.

Varna: In Varna, the camp was located in front of the municipality building. Protesters insist on real integration, following the values set out in the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In their view, the directives laid down in the Convention are inconsistent with some recent changes in our country. The participants in the protest offer an entirely new concept.

“The camp will remain indefinetly until we get what we want. It is changes to the law for personal assistance, an individual assessment of the needs of every disabled person or child.” said Gergana Mavrova, organizer of the protest.

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